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About Bid Matching

Bid Matching


The Proxity system offers bid matching as well as solutions for 1806 and 1806T.

When using the system from the Proxity site the counselor chooses Bid Match and is taken to MY Client’s Bid Match- those companies that have entered into the system appear- those that have not been entered may be entered one of two ways:

  1. Add New CAGE and go to administrative portal- this is done one at a time
  2. Provide Proxity with list of client CAGES and Proxity will add all CAGES into the counselors system as well as populate the appropriate NAICS and NSN’s shown in either the client’s SAM.GOV registration,  or DLA award history

The administrative section of the database for bid matching contains a “General” section which details information pertaining to the client (Sam.Gov data) as well as entries to amend the client’s type of business; The General section allows input of 1806 and 1806T for contacts made, type of contact, Seminars and awards- again filling out information in the General section of BidMatch is optional- if your organization is only interested in Bid matching then simply go to the section marked FBO—DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THE CLIENT EMAIL.

In the SAM.GOV section of the administrative section the counselor may edit NAIC’s or add key words (used to grab solicitations for State and local as well as focus on core competencies of the client company.

Bid matching allows a unique feature for not only adding NSN’s to be monitored but FSC’s and monitor solicitations a competitor company’s NSN’s.

Click here to see a short video on how to use Bid Matching

Click here to see the written instructions on how to use the Bid Matching tools

Proxity is the only SINGLE SOURCE from the three U.S. Market arenas: Military Small Purchase, Federal Contracts, State and Local Data.
Site Disclaimer: system provides data derived from Government Sources and does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the data provided from these public sources.
Copyright- duplication of the databases, indexing and user tools are strictly forbidden